Carousel is disabled when fewer slides than viewport
Note how this carousel is enabled on mobile viewports but automatically disables on wider viewports.
maxWidth: 767,
gutter: 10,
slidesPerPage: 1
<slide :index="1"></slide>
<slide :index="2"></slide>
Slide images and anchors can be dragged
This is a challenge for some carousels, dragging on an image or anchor results in dragging a ghost image of the element rather than the slide.
<ssr-carousel :slides-per-page="2">
<slide :index="1">
<img src="/img/gradient.png">
<p><a href="https://www.bukwild.com">Example link</a></p>
<slide :index="2">
<img src="/img/gradient.png">
<p><a href="https://www.bukwild.com">Example link</a></p>
<slide :index="3">
<img src="/img/gradient.png">
<p><a href="https://www.bukwild.com">Example link</a></p>
Autoplay is typically used in conjunction with loop
<ssr-carousel :slides-per-page="1" :autoplay-delay="3" loop>
<slide :index="1"></slide>
<slide :index="2"></slide>
<slide :index="3"></slide>
Slide components stay reactive
Slide properties, like class
, stay externally reactive as you'd expect. This includes slides cloned for peeking.
<ssr-carousel :slides-per-page="2" loop peek="40px">
<slide :index="1" :class="{ invert }">
<button @click="invert = !invert">Invert the slides</button>
<slide :index="2" :class="{ invert }"></slide>
<slide :index="3" :class="{ invert }"></slide>
export default {
data() {
return { invert: false };
<style scoped>
.invert {
filter: invert(100%);
Carousel doesn't render until there are slides
When you add slides, a :key
on the root element will cause vue-ssr-carousel
render a new instance. In other words, your pagination page will be lost and any animations in slides will restart. Generally, you should strive to have all slides ready for render on the initial create
to benefit from the SSR features of the component.
<ssr-carousel show-dots :key="slides.length">
<slide v-for="slide in slides" :key="slide" :index="slide"></slide>
<button class="add-slide" @click="addSlide">Add a slide</button>
export default {
data() {
return {
slides: []
methods: {
addSlide() {
this.slides.push(this.slides.length + 1);